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[Forum] Membangun Kewartawanan Progresif: Anugerah Wartawan Muda Said Zahari

Semua diundang untuk forum membicarakan tentang kewartawanan progresif di zaman sekarang, mengambil iktibar dan inspirasi daripada wartawan, pejuang kebebasan media dan hak asasi manusia, allahyarham Said Zahari, mantan Ketua Editor di Utusan Melayu dan tahanan politik Singapura selama 17 tahun tahanan tanpa bicara. Acara ini dimulai dengan ucapatama daripada Prof. Dr. Syed Husin Ali dan […]

Stories of History from a Borneo Longhouse: Genre and Method

Zoom Kuala Lumpur

Speaker: Dr. Valerie MashmanCommentator: Prof. Diana Wong Register at: Platform: Zoom and Facebook Live Abstract I was given by chance three historical narratives on cassette to listen to while visiting my husband’s longhouse at the edge of the Kelabit highlands in 2010. I wasn’t looking for a subject to research or a reason to […]

Webinar: Oral History, Testimony, and Memory

Online Kuala Lumpur

Oral history is more than just a tool for collecting historical “data”. Through conversation with a narrator, oral historians collect the narrator’s voice, testimony, life experience, emotion, and views, which are often deemed “unobjective” or even “unimportant” by many. It is a tool that democratises and decentralises the businesses of doing history, not only from […]

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